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03 9588 0361


22 Graham Daff Blvd, Braeside VIC 3195

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Technology: Aqua Prep prides itself on its ability to adapt technology to suit any application in a bid to remove the operator from the high pressure water and the blast zone.

Dedicated Staff: Our well-trained staff are encouraged to work with our clients to find the best solution to any problem.

Reliable Equipment: Our state-of-the-art equipment is regularly serviced and maintained by our suppliers ensuring safe and reliable operation.

Innovation in action

Green Island – World Heritage Site and Marine National Park

An Australian first, SRG Global engaged Aqua Prep to provide Hydro Demolition of defective concrete on the jetty and piles in the fragile Great Barrier Reef within a small window of time.


Green Island is a coral cay 27km off the shore from Cairns, Queensland, Australia located within the Great Barrier Reef Marine National Park World Heritage Area.

The island is surrounded by coral reef marine life and protected in the Green Island National Park.

The Jetty that acts as the lifeblood of the island was built in 1960 and over the years some attempts had been made to repair and maintain it but no major repairs had been undertaken.

Aqua Prep along with our Principal contractor SRG Global won the contract to rehabilitate the concrete deck.

A major requirement for the works was that no debris, dirty or high pH water enter or impact on the marine national park.

SRG Global engaged Aqua Prep to provide Hydro Demolition of the defective concrete on the jetty soffit.


All water and debris had to be captured, treated, and reused. We believe this to be an Australian first for full capture and reuse.

With safety and the environment a priority, Aqua Prep seized the opportunity to improve the waste water impact from the hydro demolition process. Through trial and error, research and development and a lot of determination, a complete modular system has been developed in-house over the last five years.

Aqua Prep is now able to treat Hydro Demolition Water (with a High pH and dirty) up to 100,000l per day to a standard where it can be recycled through our high-pressure pumps. We have successfully achieved water clarity under 10 NTU and 3 microns.


We mobilised our Water Treatment Plant, the High Pressure Pumps, vehicles and equipment for the 3 month project over 3,000km by road, ferry and barge to the island dealing with major restrictions due to Covid-19 along the way.

Aqua Prep’s highly skilled operators hydro demolished on average 60m3 of concrete using high pressure water jet handguns.

Over 35,000 litres of water was recycled each day using the custom designed water treatment plant with no impact on our pumps and operating system.

The project was completed with zero environmental or safety incidents, within budget and on time. It was a great result given the constraints of tide, weather, environment and access, especially difficult in the middle of Covid-19 restrictions.

Port Warratah Coal – Kooragang 4 Joint Replacement


Kooragang Coal Terminal has a licensed capacity of 120 million tonnes per annum (mtpa). All of the coal received at Kooragang Coal Terminal is delivered by rail into four rail receival facilities located on the northern edge of the terminal.

K4 has three shiploaders that run along the wharf face, weighing at over 600tonnes each, they were placing strain on what was poorly designed crane rail support beam.

Freyssinett and Aqua Prep were engaged to undertake the replacement of two of the joints along the beam. It involved Hydro Demolition of the beam 5m wide x 2.1m deep x 2m high. Works were done 24 hours per day for 18 days straight.

We had very strict fatigue management controls that were enforced from our client that reduced our operators working hours per week, fortnight and number of consecutive night shifts.


As the “Leaders of change and innovation for the safety of people and the environment” Aqua Prep along with Metco Industrial travelled to Sweden to meet with Aqua Jet to develop a 5D system that could set up on one side of the beam, blast through, up, and down, to leave the top and bottom matt of reinforcing whilst not casing damage or vibration to the remaining structure.

We joined two pumps off one radio remote control to deliver the over 700hp in high pressure water to effect the breakout of the 42m3. All of the debris was captured and manually handled off the access platforms by both the Aqua Prep and Freyssinett crews.


The end result was quite spectacular with a 5 degree reverse wedge-shaped breakout completed on both joints.

Whilst we completed the works safely and as designed, we did run over the 15 day contract period by three days. The comment from our client at the end of the project “although you ran over, no one else could have done what you did in the time you did it.”

Resources utilised
• Aqua Cutter – Custom built Aqua Spine and 5D head
• Two radio remote controlled pumps to produce over 700hp • Third pump on standby in case of breakdown.