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22 Graham Daff Blvd, Braeside VIC 3195

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Cold Cutting in Melbourne

Cold Cutting is an environmentally friendly process of cutting steel, composites, and concrete substances using Ultra High-Pressure Water Jetting with an abrasive material in the water stream. As no heat is produced during the Cold Cutting process, therefore, it can especially be used where there is the presence of chemical vapours or degassing or any other volatile environment.

Aqua Prep’s cold cutting service is the most cost-effective and safer alternative to traditional hot cutting methods essentially when there are chemicals and explosive vapours involved. Our Cold cutting technique removes the need for degassing allowing surfaces to be re-welded in a shorter time and produces less hazardous waste, so it’s environmentally friendly. We at Aqua Prep also make sure to preserve the metallurgy of any material being cut which makes our Cold Cutting services the most dependable and reliable in the Hydro Demolition industry.

Aqua Prep is extremely experienced in cold cutting services and has performed cold cutting in many different environments from sewers to petrochemical plants. We only use the latest water jetting machines and cold cutting saws for better results and outcomes. Our machines also have the ability to cut high tensile-strength steel and thick concrete blocks without any problem. Additionally, we have also successfully conducted projects underwater for ships and rigs out at sea.

Our latest remote-controlled water jetting Cold Cut Saw delivers the perfect ultra-high pressure (UHP) water jetting for any cold cutting project. Further, to increase precision and make Cold Cutting safer, we add a water abrasive mixture to the Cold Cut Saw head.

Benefits of cold cutting:

  1. Quick and safe technique
  2. Eliminates the need to grind
  3. Prevention of heat affected zone
  4. Environmentally friendly method